Excellence Podiatrique

39 Federal Rd, South Kalgoorlie WA 6430
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Mining Podiatry

Rough Conditions on Feet and Ankles

Mining podiatry provides preventative measures for common foot and ankle conditions that often occur with miners. It diagnoses foot and ankle conditions and it also offers treatment options depending on the severity of the condition. Workers’ compensation cases are welcome in our clinic.

Risk Management of Foot and Ankle Injuries

Effective risk management of foot and ankle injuries is crucial in the mining industry to ensure the safety and well-being of workers. First and foremost, comprehensive risk assessments need to be conducted to identify potential hazards and implement preventive measures. This includes evaluating work environments for uneven terrain, heavy machinery operation, and exposure to sharp objects.


Implementing proper engineering controls, such as installing barriers, safety guards, or creating designated walkways, can help minimize the risk of crush injuries and punctures. Providing and enforcing the use of appropriate personal protective equipment, particularly sturdy and supportive footwear, is essential. Regular training programs should educate workers on the importance of proper footwear, safe walking techniques, and awareness of their surroundings to prevent trips, slips, and falls.


Furthermore, establishing a robust reporting system encourages employees to promptly communicate potential hazards or incidents, allowing for quick intervention and risk mitigation. Periodic safety audits and inspections can identify emerging risks and ensure ongoing compliance with safety protocols.

Dermatological Conditions of the Foot in Mining

Skin and toenail conditions: Skin and toenail conditions of the foot are prevalent in the mining industry due to the harsh working conditions and exposure to various environmental factors. Miners often face challenges such as prolonged contact with abrasive materials, moisture, and extreme temperatures.


Fungal Infections: Fungal infections like tinea can thrive in the moist and confined spaces of mining boots, exacerbated by long hours of wear. Moreover, the abrasive nature of mining environments can lead to calluses, fissures, corns, and blisters, causing discomfort and potential complications.

Preventive Measure

Preventive measures include promoting good foot hygiene and encouraging regular foot assessments. Properly fitted, durable safety boots can reduce friction and pressure points, minimizing the risk of skin conditions. Adequate training on personal hygiene, foot care, and the importance of reporting early symptoms is essential in fostering a culture of proactive dermatological health within the mining workforce. Regular podiatry check-ups and early intervention can help address dermatological issues promptly, ensuring the overall well-being of miners and sustaining a healthy and productive workforce.

Workboots Assessment

Assessing work boots in the mining industry is important as they serve as a frontline defense against various occupational hazards. Properly chosen and maintained boots protect miners from crush injuries, punctures, and harsh environmental conditions. A thorough assessment ensures that boots meet safety standards, providing stability on uneven terrain and guarding against dermatological issues. Comfort and proper fit are essential to prevent foot fatigue and reduce the risk of slips, trips, and falls. Custom-made orthotics can be prescribed to enhance support, especially for workers with flat feet. Regular podiatry evaluations help identify wear and tear, prompting timely replacements and ensuring that miners have reliable and effective footwear, crucial for their overall safety, health, and productivity in challenging mining environments.

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